The four Matrons of the family
The baby
Here are a couple of pictures I took from our Thanksgiving dinner at Channing's sister Andrea's house in Pleasant Grove. She is so good to have it at her house every year since her mother has passed away. She has kind of taken on the role of mother in that family, and I love her dearly. She is always looking out for the rest of us. Does it scare anybody else besides me that I am the oldest person at this dinner. All of us have lost our parents (except Channing's Dad, but him and his wife go to Wendover every year for Thanksgiving) Can you believe that?Besides the adults, there were 3 teenagers and 1 baby, Derrick, who is Parker's one year old son.
We also stopped by the White House for pie later on. Thanks Shannon for the pie and the dressing!
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Day. Now. . . .let's get busy getting ready for Christmas. Yaaaayyy
Love seeing new pictures, it looks like you had a good time there. Thanks for stopping by, the kids were glad to see you. No kidding, I'm dragging a little bit getting the Christmas stuff out. I should have been working on it today but me and Stuart went shopping instead, can you believe that, Stuart was the one behind this one,
and we had lots of doing it too. There's always tomorrow.
Get use to that new name, that's how I sign in. This is Stuart. How wonderful that your can enjoy family on both sides. We were very glad that you and Channing included us in your day. We should get together and go out to dinner, or better yet come up and I'll do Dutch Oven one night or mabe on a weekend.
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